BWM Oct 2013 - page 255

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 255
green building materials as well as aware-
ness of new innovative coatings continues
to increase. The company has seen mar-
kets increasingly embracing new styles
of coatings and new laminates that allow
metal to have what appears to be a wood-
grain finish or printed-pattern. Under-
wood says customers have style options
previously unimagined. He also hints that
the company is assisting in the develop-
ment of new coatings with special chemi-
cal properties that will prompt a lot of
excitement in the coming soon. Yet, Ken-
wood’s expertise connotes to a big deal,
right now, for the companies it serves.
By fully understanding the properties of
the materials with which they work, by
helping educate others on advancements
that impart greater quality and integrity to
their respective manufactured goods, and
by embracing values that result in greater
convenience, customer service, cost sav-
ings and care for the environment, this is
a company posed for further growth. As
for greater success to come, Kenwood
Painted Metals has that covered too.
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