BWM Oct 2013 - page 265

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 265
and no two communities are the same.
While cooking demonstrations draw the
greatest support in one community, bin-
go nights or water aerobics may be the
popular activity at another venue. As
Burns explains, each community offers
more than shelter, they also offer activi-
ties and social supportive services all de-
signed to help residents be self-sufficient
and stay socially engaged, healthy and
happy. Burns also says that HCHA hous-
ing settings are so marketable, her office
routinely fields calls and contacts from
other families, including young married
couples, inquiring as to the feasibility of
moving into the communities, but in such
cases, these same families earn too much
income. Most can’t believe that these are
affordable assisted housing developments
- that is how well designed the develop-
ments are.
In serving area seniors, HCHA has
also helped bolster the economic sustain-
ability of its region. Its developments
have fostered numerous work opportu-
nities for architects, builders, engineers,
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