BWM Oct 2013 - page 267

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 267
landscapers, healthcare professionals and
a range of service providers while also
supporting retail business and restaurants
located near its neighborhoods. “Every
time we build a new property, it creates
jobs, but we keep creating jobs as we
keep bringing the community together,”
says Burns. “It takes many people, work-
ing together, to keep a community going
and growing.”
HCHA is continuing to go, and
grow, as additional housing solutions are
on the horizon. Burns says HCHA will
continue to advance in providing qual-
ity affordable assisted housing and social
supportive services for those who most
need safe and affordable housing. In so
doing, HCHAwill continue to rely on pub-
lic and private sector funding and partner-
ships which help offset its development
and operational costs while supporting
the creation of jobs and greater economic
sustainability within the region. The con-
tinued strengthening of HCHA’s afford-
able housing initiative will keep it at the
forefront of assisted housing developed
by housing authorities across the country.
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