BWM Oct 2013 - page 258

258 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
With passage of The Housing and Com-
munity Development Act in 1974, the
federal government created a means of al-
locating funds to eligible communities as
well as a resource for housing assistance
in the Section 8 program which enables
property owners to receive fiscal support
when renting housing to lower income
families. This legislation evolved from
earlier Housing Acts and has undergone
reforms over the years to enhance the sys-
tem. Communities throughout the United
States have established housing authori-
ties that assist in providing support to
families in need of a home. Since 2003, in
Houston, Texas, the Harris County Hous-
ing Authority (HCHA) has been autho-
rized to operate as an independent agency
and more than 25,000 people have ben-
efitted from its programs as well as its de-
velopment of more than 1000 affordable,
multifamily homes. HCHA, through its
Housing Choice Voucher Team, presently
manages 4,367 vouchers designed to pro-
vide decent, safe and affordable housing
solutions. For the last six years, the Harris
County Housing Authority has achieved
recognition from the U.S. Department
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