BWM Oct 2013 - page 253

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 253
special water and air pollution equipment
to meets federal, state and local environ-
mental requirements, but coil coating is a
closed-loop process in itself. Coil coaters
collect volatile organic compounds, con-
trol emissions and capture and regenerate
solvents; processes that eliminate air and
water discharges. Coil coating is the most
environmentally friendly process known
for applying finishes to metal.
Underwood’s Son Aaron (who manag-
es Kenwood’s Metal Building Division)
explains another aspect of the environ-
mentally friendly and energy efficiency
provided from special coatings. In re-
cent years, Aaron says the company has
expanded its offerings in “cool roof sys-
tems.” The roofing and wall panels are
coated with a paint that has higher solar
reflectivity than conventional paints. This
enables building owners to achieve signif-
icant savings from reduced utility costs.
These materials are Energy Star Certified,
and for builders who rely on such advanc-
es, the materials also contribute to LEED
points consistent with the standards es-
poused by the U.S. Green Building Coun-
cil. “Cool roof systems are part of an in-
creasing trend in green building and the
Energy Star label has become very impor-
tant to end users, so we’re happy to work
with it,” says Aaron. “Fortunately, there
are tax credits available to businesses and
homeowners too. If they replace or build
using a cool roof methods, tax credits are
in place to help offset the costs, so we’re
working hand-in-hand with paint suppli-
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