BWM Oct 2013 - page 233

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 233
grams involving proper use of the 9-1-1
system, MGA has also earned recognition
as an outstanding educator. “Part of our
job is to help inform the community about
safety and health risks that are ever pres-
ent,” says Abel-Kiker. “Our mission in-
cludes helping the public understand how
to prevent accidents and what to do when
an accident occurs. Providing them with
CPR training, for example, can empower
the average person to assist in saving the
life of someone in need”.
Last year, MGA launched a new pro-
gram called Hand 2 Heart CPR, an ini-
tiative that allows the general public to
secure CPR certification based on cur-
riculum the company exclusively de-
signed. The program was launched with a
public campaign that saw Hip Hop Artist
Floco Torres create a very unique mes-
sage about administering CPR through a
rap song called “Save a Life.” The video
performance of that song secured national
attention, not only winning Best Video/
Podcast in the 2013 PR Daily Non Prof-
it Award Program, but also recognition
among the nation’s Best Public Service
In terms of the future, Abel-Kiker says
MGA is continually seeking solutions to
fill voids and better impart, quality, af-
fordable care. She says the company has
always been on the cutting edge of tech-
nology, and continually looks to acquire
tools that help increase efficiency and ac-
curacy in the fulfilling of services. From
advances in cardiac monitors and com-
munications equipment to rugged laptop
devices that assist in efficiently captur-
ing and transmitting patient information
(known as EPCRs or Electronic Patient
Care Reports), these and other mecha-
nisms, she says, have helped MGA stay at
the forefront of innovations that assist the
industry. She says MGA will continue to
take advantage of these resources, while
also advancing training, operational effi-
ciency and community outreach.
“We want to stay on the cutting edge,”
says Abel-Kiker. “Despite the changes
currently taking place in medicine and
healthcare, our priority will always be
achieving the best patient care and clini-
cal standards. The future for us is con-
tinuing to challenge ourselves and strive
for further excellence.”
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