BWM Oct 2013 - page 223

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 223
“The highest of distinctions is service to others,” once said King George VI.
And it is in Georgia, where the operational excellence and dedicated service
to others imparted by one enterprise has not only resulted with its earning
of high distinction in its industry, but has also made a very real difference
in the saving of lives.
Almost 40 years ago, an ambulance ser-
vice was launched in Central Georgia
which resolved to combine the highest
quality standards in patient care with the
capabilities of a dedicated team of quali-
fied professionals. With a single used-am-
bulance, Mid Georgia Ambulance began
operations in the Bibb County community
of Macon in 1977, yet over the years that
have followed, it has evolved into one of
the largest ambulance services in the state
of Georgia.
Today, Mid Georgia Ambulance
(MGA) responds to needs in nine counties
(encompassing both urban residential and
rural landscapes) for a service coverage
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