BWM Oct 2013 - page 219

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 219
of medically-equipped, long range heli-
copters and fixed-wing units, and more
than 220 operating bases throughout the
country. Spediacci says REACH has
been empowered with several advantages
through the relationship with Air Medi-
cal Group. On one hand, the scalability
provides REACH with a buying power
in terms of health insurance, aircraft in-
surance and other operating costs. She
says that by achieving savings, REACH
is better able to pass those savings on to
its customers. More importantly, REACH
has now achieved new means to rapidly
accommodate capital improvement. “Un-
der former ownership, having capital for
replacement aircraft was a time consum-
ing process ... and though our helicopters
have served us well for more than 20 years,
the relationship with Air Medical Group
Holdings has significantly helped us to
make necessary upgrades to our fleet,”
says Spediacci, adding that REACH has
recently acquired three new helicopters.
Blair also notes that a member-
ship program created by REACH has
now been expanded into the 1.3 million
member strong program affiliated with
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