BWM Oct 2013 - page 226

226 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
emergency or medical need.”
In terms of other medical needs, last
year, MGA was dispatched to duty in
more than 65,000 scenarios, and to be
sure, those duties involved much more
than a mere medical transport. As Abel-
Kiker affirms, “Many people believe that
the purpose of EMS is simply to give peo-
ple a ride to the hospital ... but we pre-
fer to think of it as bringing the hospital
to the person in need. Our staff has been
trained to respond to the range of needs
and there’s a lot we can do in the back
of that ambulance ... whether that means
transmitting an EKG while en route to the
hospital, administering CPR or pushing
medication through an IV, Paramedics
and EMTs are administering skilled, life-
saving care during each transport.
There can be no overstating of MGA’s role
in saving lives, and its personnel have an-
nually earned honors for service rendered
during exceedingly dire emergency situ-
ations. A recent example includes an ac-
cident that threatened to claim the life of
two teenage pedestrians after they were
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