BWM Oct 2013 - page 217

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 217
in terms of location and bed availability.
“This is a big focus of our day to day op-
erations ... being able to quickly and com-
petently provide information to hospitals
and EMS agencies ... they’re calling us
voluntarily and we strive to provide them
with the best customer service experience
in each interaction, but it also helps en-
sure we’re sending the most appropriate
mode of transport with the most appro-
priate staff to respond to that need... yet
whether we transport the patient or not,
we can help the hospital identify the lo-
cation of specialty care, bed-type and the
appropriate receiving doctor,” explains
REACH has also devised solutions
to eliminate what Bricker describes as a
familiar frustration in healthcare, known
as “The Black Hole of Transport.” Ba-
sically, he says too often, hospitals will
arrange for air transport only to be put
a stand-by position with no clear under-
standing of the space of time before the
service arrives. “Depending on who they
call, there may be over communication or
under communication, but it is very frus-
trating for the physicians when they don’t
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