BWM Oct 2013 - page 126

126 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
and is responsibly farmed in a sustainable
manner,” says Laurie Jensen, Mainstream
Canada’s Communications and Corporate
Sustainability Manager. “We are very for-
tunate to be able to work with excellent
suppliers, who are dedicated to fulfilling
and supporting our commitment to excel-
lence and sustainability.”
The salmon farming cycle begins with
broodstock fish, which have been selected
over many generations for superior genet-
ics, in fact, Mainstream Canada has the
longest-running selective breeding pro-
gram in all of British Columbia. These
fish are used to spawn and fertilize eggs
to grow the next generation of farmed
salmon. Mainstream grows fish from eggs
in three land-based freshwater hatcheries.
When the young salmon are ready for the
ocean phase of their lives, they are trans-
ported to ocean farms, where they grow
for 14-16 months. After they are harvest-
ed from ocean pens, the fish are processed
at two processing plants and then trans-
ported to customers.
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