BWM Oct 2013 - page 128

128 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
Jensen further asserts that Mainstream’s
commitment to sustainability has accom-
modated its production of top-quality
salmon, and operational excellence is evi-
dent in all aspects of the value chain:
• Quality genetic stocks: for decades
Mainstream has managed a selective
breeding program. This program has re-
sulted in advances in health and growth,
and a shorter life cycle for Mainstream
• Top-quality smolts: Mainstream’s
land-based hatcheries use the latest tech-
nology to produce healthy, strong fish
ready for the ocean environment.
• Minimizing stress on fish: If fish get
stressed, it can affect their health. Work-
ers take care throughout the salmon life-
cycle to minimize stress on the fish, han-
dling them as little as possible.
• Preventative fish health approach:
Mainstream Canada believes in preventa-
tive fish health. This means providing the
fish with an optimal environment, nutri-
tion and vaccination. Correct nutrition is
a cornerstone of preventative fish health.
Mainstream also vaccinates fish before
they enter the marine environment, and
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