BWM Oct 2013 - page 132

132 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
pliers), Mainstream has routinely partner
with other likeminded companies, bolster-
ing the economic sustainability of firms
specializing in diving, marine towing and
other service. Mainstream’s success has
contributed to the success of many other
companies. At the same, that success has
enabled Mainstream to participate in nu-
merous initiatives that beneficially impact
people’s lives. One example can be found
in the company’s support and sponsorship
of the Howie Meeker Special Olympics
Golf Tournament, an event that provides
needed funds for the Campbell River
Special Olympics. One of the communi-
ty’s leading coaches of Special Olympics
Athletes is a man known as Dave Sam-
son. When not nurturing and encouraging
young, Special Olympians, Samson can
be found tending to duties as Mainstream
Canada’s Occupational Health and Safety
For all of its success, Mainstream has
never wavered in its mission to embrace
practices and programs that ultimately
help improve the environment, improve
work opportunities and excel in its stew-
ardship of initiatives that are not simply
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