BWM Oct 2013 - page 131

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 131
Mainstream Canada was recognized for
this partnership when it became the first
company to achieve the Aboriginal Aqua-
culture Association’s Aboriginal Princi-
ples for Sustainable Aquaculture certifi-
cation. This partnership has led to other
significant collaborations which include
current efforts to rebuild the wild salmon
habitat along the Atleo River. This water-
way once hosted rich runs of Coho, Chum
and Pink Salmon, yet saw adverse impact
from logging and commercial fishing op-
erations. Suitable spawning grounds for
the fish declined over time, yet Main-
stream and the Ahousaht First Nation are
now working together to restore this habi-
Other partnerships involve pharma-
ceutical suppliers. Through these collab-
orations, Mainstream has benefitted from
innovations in new vaccines that help
ensure fish stay naturally healthy in the
ocean environment; application essential
to all in this industry.
Through it high standards for worker
safety (both for employees and for sup-
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