BWM Oct 2013 - page 124

124 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
involving occupational safety and health,
Aboriginal stewardship and the imple-
mentation of best aquaculture practices,
time and time again, Mainstream Canada
has been conferred with distinction from
third-party authorities specializing in cer-
tification and accreditation in standards
that succinctly define the best within the
business. MainstreamCanada was the first
Canadian aquaculture company to have
its Environmental Management System
(EMS) certified to the international ISO
14001 EMS standard (two other manage-
ment systems were certified at the same
time in 2009). Two years later, Main-
stream Canada became the WORLD’s
FIRST to meet the Best Aquaculture
Practices established by the Global Aqua-
culture Alliance. Mainstream Canada is
also the second of any large company in
British Columbia to earn the FIOSA-MI-
OSA Safety Alliance's Certificate of Rec-
ognition (COR), and it remains the only
salmon farming company of the province
which has earned this achievement.
“Meeting these standards gives our
partners and customers confidence that
our salmon is safe, healthy and nutritious,
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