BWM Oct 2013 - page 115

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 115
integration of new technology, combined
with advanced fish health research, has
enabled the industry to grow into an eco-
nomically and socially vibrant part of the
British Columbia landscape, all culminat-
ing with BC farmed salmon internation-
ally recognized as a naturally healthy and
environmentally responsible product that
adheres to global standards for quality
and sustainability. That recognition has
been largely supported through the ef-
forts of BCSFA and what Walling affirms
as “Communications, communications,
“The BCSFA will continue to work
with our team to ensure that British Co-
lumbians and Canadians and the global
community understand the importance of
seafood farming, and that we play a key
role in using resources carefully to grow
healthy and nutritious fish while having
minimal impact on the environment.”
For more information on the sustain-
ability practices, research and programs
supported by the British Columbia Salm-
on Farmers Association, visit the BCSFA
website at
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