BWM Oct 2013 - page 118

118 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
are able to get fresh fish to market in 48
hours, all year round.”
Demand for Mainstream Canada’s
salmon has driven the growth of the com-
pany which currently employs more than
270 people who help annually produce
some 25,000 tons of fresh salmon distrib-
uted among markets in the United States
and Canada, as well as areas ofAsia. More
than half of its production takes place in
Clayoquot Sound (near Tofino on the west
coast of Vancouver Island), but the com-
pany also operates farms on the east coast
of Vancouver Island (in the Broughton Is-
lands) and near Campbell River.
In operation for more than thirty years,
Mainstream Canada emerged from a se-
ries of mergers and flourishes today as a
subsidiary of the Cermaq group of com-
panies. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway
(and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange),
Cermaq has a diversified and dynamic
presence in major salmon farming regions
worldwide. Creating values through sus-
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