BWM Oct 2013 - page 130

130 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
put on ice in a fast, humane process. They
are maintained at a cool temperature from
the moment they are harvested to the mo-
ment they are delivered to Mainstream’s
customers. These two processes are key
to ensuring high quality fish.
Jensen says strong working relationships
with suppliers, First Nations, employees
and customers have always been funda-
mental to Mainstream Canada. She says
such partnerships “help us meet the high-
est standards for sustainability and en-
hance our capability to fulfill the growing
demand for our product.”
Among the company’s most important
partnerships is a protocol agreement with
the Ahousaht First Nation, whose terri-
tory includes Clayoquot Sound on the
West Coast of Vancouver Island. Jensen
says this partnership makes ensure that
the salmon farms in Ahousaht territory
meet the First Nation’s stringent stan-
dards for excellence and sustainability.
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