May 2013
| Business World Magazine | 55
make them so exceptional, but for that mat-
ter, what one will not find within these cook-
ies and bars makes them particularly special
too. In addition to being spared from harm-
ful chemical preservatives, high-fructose
corn syrup and artificial sugar substitutes,
these products are also free of gluten. Glu-
ten, a protein composite created from the
processing of wheat and/or grains, is an in-
gredient that not only poses health hazards
for people afflicted by Celiac Disease, but
also a much wider swath of the population
who may be totally ignorant of the fact that
gluten intolerance contributes to a number
of health problems posing as digestive dis-
orders, skin and nerve irritations, or auto-
immune complications. Gluten, which is
the Latin equivalent to glue, has left many
consumers stuck with doctor bills, and yet,
it can be found right along beside the pre-
servatives and artificial-yuck that comprises
a lot of consumables, even those branded as
Boundless Nutrition takes another ap-
proach with its ingredients, insisting on or-
ganics and time-tested, scientifically-substan-
tiated, beneficial additives like whey protein,
antioxidant-rich green tea and health-boost-
ing Omega3. OATMEGA bars are the
ONLY nutrition bar available on the market
that contain fish oil whose benefits include
lowering the levels of cholesterol and triglyc-
erides in blood, reducing inflammation and
eliminating joint pain. Studies have shown
that fish oil not only improves heart, brain
and visual functions, but may also factor in
alleviating conditions relating to depression
and neurological disorders. Whey protein,
on the other hand, factors in the body’s abili-
ty to produce the superpower of antioxidants
in glutathione. This is something which can’t
be purchased in any supermarket, it is a sub-
stance produced from our own internal body
functions which protects cells from damage,
aids in the detoxification of harmful chemi-
cal build-ups and helps the body more effi-
ciently utilize energy. Glutathione deficiency
has been linked to numerous illnesses associ-
ated with aging, such as Parkinson’s Disease
and Alzheimer’s, but has also been linked to
cancer, coronary and liver disease, as well as
other autoimmune disorders. These cookies
and bars are comprised by the essential fatty
and amino acids which serve as the build-
ing blocks that optimize our body’s crucial
production of disease-fighting, age-defying,