52 | Business World Magazine |
May 2013
very well for the pharmaceutical companies
who profit from treating such conditions,
but the fact remains, there are numerous cas-
es when dietary adjustments would not only
offer a needed remedy, but altogether re-
move the need to seek out doctor-prescribed
medicinal alternatives.
Ludwig Feuerbach is credited with pop-
ularizing the expression “you are what you
eat” and one only needs to examine the in-
creases in societal obesity, hypertension,
heart disease, depression and you-name-it in
one malady or another to understand how
what we eat can come back to take a big bite
out of our physical wellbeing. Beyond the
detriment to personal lives, nutrition-related
illness impacts business operations and un-
dermines the national economy in billions
of unnecessary annual expenditure. It simply
doesn’t have to be this way. For those who
choose life over strife, who value being phys-
ically well over the hell induced from pro-
longed periods of poor dietary choice, there
are numerous treats touted as being “good
for you,” but only one line of products pros-
pers with proven ingredients beneficial to
achieving boundless nutritional health.
Based in Austin, Texas, Boundless Nu-