38 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
“We hope to be welcoming our first class of
students into this program in the summer of
2013. We’re committed to providing train-
ing for people in the chaplaincy field so that
we can participate in theological education
to build up people’s pastoral care, knowledge
and skills,” he says.
What also makes United Church
Homes a unique care provider is the qual-
ity and commitment of their staff and chap-
lains. Everyone at the organisation is com-
pletely focused on the residents and their
well-being, says Terry Quinn, director of
Quality Improvement. “The chaplains are
very involved in the communities and pro-
vide spiritual care for any resident in need.
It’s really quite exciting when you go in and
you can feel it.”
At United Church Homes, Quinn
adds, the staff is focused on establishing rela-
tionships through their care and dedication.
They want people to embrace what they do,
and understand that their values and com-
munity spirit help change the lives of resi-
dents every day. At a recent family meeting,
for example, they heard first-hand how their
David Forrester, Resident at Chapel Hill Community-149
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