February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 33
later on. It is only fitting for Summit to ad-
dress the problem head-on, Kaplan says. The
secure unit at the facility even has extra pre-
cautions in place to prevent residents from
“Dealing with dementia takes special
programs that are different than the pro-
grams regular assisted-living residents get,
and it requires specially trained and compas-
sionate employees – which we have at Sum-
mit at New Port Richey.”
Looking ahead to the longer term,
Summit at New Port Richey is going to con-
tinue to evolve along with the industry, in
order to meet the ever-changing needs of
its residents. “The residents today are much
more demanding than they were 10 or 20
years ago. When the baby boomers hit in an-
other 20 years they’re going to be even a lot
more demanding,” Kaplan says.
While the industry and market dy-
namics undergo change, Kaplan affirms that
some aspects of Summit at New Port Richey
are unalterable. “Our passion and our com-
mitment to care for our residents will never
change.” Borrowing a line from the facility’s
motto, he says – “Getting older means get-
ting better.”
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