24 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
lies. We send them home because we suc-
cessfully educate our residents and families.
Diabetes is probably about 30 percent of the
Hurlbut population, which is 160 beds.”
This unique service helpsHurlbut keep
patients out of the hospital, and provides
them with attentive and personalized care
that they could only get from them. “Not
only do we take care of them at the Hurl-
but, but if there’s an issue at one of our other
homes, we have a specially-trained diabetes
nurse and they either call her or she goes out
to the facility.”
Another difference that puts Hurlbut
head and shoulders above other providers is
their willingness to take in behavioural resi-
dents at one of their nursing homes, which
others will not do. “They require a lot more
care sometimes than someone with chronic
arthritis or respiratory problems or heart
problems because they can get up and can
move,” he says. “They require more care be-
cause they may be a danger to themselves or
others, so our staffs are specially trained to
care for these residents.”
In providing that care, they’ve been
able to reduce some of the patient’s reliance
on medications through special health pro-
grams or by modifying their diet, Robert ex-
As a care provider that’s spanned decades
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