February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 19
fessionally cared for families for more than
50 years. “When my father would get off the
bus from school, there would be so many of
those residents standing there, waiting for
him, waiting to ask how his day was and what
kind of homework he had. It really impacted
my father’s life in a wonderful way. He grew-
up in a nursing home and didn’t even know
what it was to live in a regular house until he
was 15 years old.”
With this kind of foundation, there is
little wonder that Robert Harold Hurlbut
grew and professionally adapted into a ca-
reer of senior care that follows the finest of
family traditions. As he expanded on servic-
es and developed new facilities, operations
were aligned under the auspices of a corpo-
ration named ROHM Services. The name
“ROHM” was selected out of his reverence
for what he had learned from his parents and
his appreciation for the love and lessons im-
parted by those engaging, elderly residents –
ROHM- for Robert’s Outstanding Harold
and Martha.
Today, at what has evolved into Hurl-
but Care Communities, Robert W. Hurl-
but sees his role as more than president, but
something closer to the furtherance of a
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