February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 23
private rooms, in-room services of cable tele-
vision and phone, beauty and barber servic-
es, and wide range of therapies, activities and
programs to respond to all manner of need.
They basically go beyond the nursing home
standard by offering outstanding ameni-
ties which impart all the comforts of home.
“People are living longer, so when they are
going to a nursing home they are a little frail-
er. It takes extra care to take care of them and
a lot of them can’t do a lot. We provide that
extra care,” Robert says.
Having amassed three generations of
senior care experience, Hurlbut Care Com-
munities has a knowledge base that com-
pletely sets them apart frommany other care
providers. They fully understand that caring
goes well-beyond providing the highest level
of quality short-term rehabilitative care and
long-term skilled nursing. “Some of the reli-
gious-based homes have been around a long
time, but there’s no real background,” Robert
says. “We can literally say we lived in it and
my dad did. He was responsible for putting
icing on the cupcakes when he was a kid and
helping with the residents.”
In fact, Hurlbut’s ability to secure
partnerships with other medical service pro-
viders offers something of extra icing on the
cupcake for clients. For example, by estab-
lishing a partnership with Joslin Diabetes
Center (a teaching and research affiliate of
Harvard Medical School on the front lines
of the world epidemic of diabetes) Hurlbut
is able to offer diabetes treatment at their
facility. It is one of only two nursing homes
in the U.S. that offer this service. “We take
care of diabetes residents that other nursing
homes can’t take care of,” he says.
“We educate the resident, we get their
insulin to where it’s supposed to be, we get
their diet inline and we also teach the fami-
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