12 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
are called Assisted Living Centers. These en-
gage the services of more than 40,000 work-
ers. All these numbers combine with another
totality in terms of those who benefit from
care, thus giving a clearer indication of the
massive responsibility entrusted to the Flor-
ida Health Care Association in its role as ad-
vocate for the health care providers and the
elderly patients they serve.
The organization was originally
founded as the Florida Nursing Home As-
sociation, an initiative created by a family
that owned several long-term care centers in
South Florida. Following an era of growth
throughout the 1950s, principals elected to
establish a federation which culminated into
the association of today. As Florida’s affili-
ate of the Washington D.C.-based American
Health Care Association &National Center
for Assisted Living, the FHCA is dedicated
to advancing the quality of services, recogni-
tion of those services and the vast variety of
matters involving professional development
and fiscal security.
The FHCA is comprised by more than
1200 members, with each reflecting either
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