Letter from the Editor
It is February, a month that derives its name from the Latin term februum which translates to mean purification. With that in
mind, we are purely pleased to present the February Issue of Business World Magazine.
As the leading online resource for news and information in a variety of industries, we interact with companies throughout North
America on a daily basis. In recent weeks, many have expressed their views on February’s emergence of certain weather systems
from northern influences. They take heart in the fact this is the shortest month of the year. At the same time, February has also
wrought the arrival of certain cultural systems that stem from eastern influences, specifically the emergence of a Chinese New
Year recognizing 2013 as the Year of the Snake. Despite the repulse some may manifest in matters reptilian, it deserves note,
in terms of symbolism, the snake is more revered than reviled by many cultures. In Asian perspective, the snake is imbued by a
particular personality profile (and professional perspective) whose traits include being a wise solver of problems, using a cautious
approach, maintaining meticulous attention to detail, and being highly considerate of others.
Ironically, these are reoccurring themes within many of the stories this month. Too often, unfortunately, so much of the main-
stream business news is solely defined by terms of dollars and cents. This limited perspective obscures the fact that in the vast
majority of cases, businesses emerged from one’s recognition of an inherent talent or skill, that they confidently honed and then
committed themselves to applying in such a way to beneficially serve others. The business was not solely motivated by ideas of
profit, but the wealth of passion to solve problems and fulfill needs in the market the business served. As you read this month’s
coverage of respected leaders in industries that include manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, energy, real estate develop-
ment and restaurant franchising, at the heart of each account is a team of people (sometimes a family) whose business essentially
blossomed from their fundamental drive and determination to make a wise, careful, considerate, and beneficial difference in
the lives of other people, as well as other businesses. Their stories offer important insight, in this New Year of the Snake, as well
as any other season.
We hope this content provides something for which you too may coil your considerations, as you further strike for successssss.
Bill Schiller
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