February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 35
Ohio, to the Toledo Classis of the German
Reformed Church. Their aim was to create
a “fair haven” for older adults, where their
spirits would be celebrated. As the years have
passed, the organisation has evolved and
adapted to the changes and challenges of the
industry, but one thing that hasn’t changed is
that celebration of spirit.
“It was almost like it was a broad con-
sensus that United Church Homes is differ-
ent because of the spirit of our community.
Our mission is to address the problems of
loneliness, spiritual despair and isolation
among the elderly,” says President and CEO
Rev. KennethDaniel. “We do that by provid-
ing communities that are warm and welcom-
ing and full of caring and accepting people.”
Daniel joined the organization in June
2011, having spent the previous 20 years in
a variety of positions of responsibility in se-
nior health care and housing services. As a
licensed nursing home administrator, Dan-
iel has experience in organizational reposi-
tioning, financial stabilization and strategic
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