44 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
ty takes great pride in being part of theWest-
minster Ingleside family because it means
adherence to core values that collectively,
and distinctively, set it apart. Those values
include: excellence and quality in the fulfill-
ing of services; love, care and compassion for
all; independence, respect, dignity and self-
determination for the older; and ministry
that responds to the physical, economical,
emotional and spiritual needs of people. To
be sure, that is people of all faiths and walks-
Wing says the embracing of these val-
ues is not simply manifested in the manner
staff professionally interact with residents,
but it also extends among the community-at-
large, creating palpable warmth, generosity
of spirit and a highly personable atmosphere
that contributes to creating an unparalleled
quality of life.
Westminster at Lake Ridge is nestled among
the alluring forest and foliage for which
Northern Virginia is so naturally nuanced.
The nearby community of Occoquan (which
derives its name from a Native American ex-
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