February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 49
therapy services.
A palliative care team is also engaged
to provide symptom management services
for those afflicted by serious, chronic or life-
threatening illnesses. Care is designed to
provide residents with relief from symptoms
or pain as determined by the specifics of the
As care needs evolve, Westminster’s
Skilled Nursing Center is prepared to man-
age all levels of care, which includes needs
involving dementia. Wing says these services
require specialized training of staff and the
incorporation of programs uniquely catered
to the care needs of these residents.
Westminster at Lake Ridge also offers
Respite Care that allows for a temporary stay
in cases when a family caregiver is unavail-
able due to a vacation or illness.
Overarching all the services at West-
minster at Lake Ridge is an unwavering com-
mitment to the care of people. For all its
natural beauty, quality amenities and pro-
fessional care services, Wing says what truly
makes the difference is the staff ’s genuine
care and compassion for the residents they
serve. She says that employees of Westmin-
ster at Lake Ridge do not simply see the ful-
fillment of duties in terms of working a job,
but as their mission to follow, and further,
the values for which the Westminster Ingle-
side family of continuing care communities
has earned such acclaim.
As much asWestminster at Lake Ridge
came to life through an expression of people’s
faith and duty to care for the senior aging,
Wing says the not-for-profit community will
remain committed to rewarding that faith
by providing residents with the full extent of
their capabilities and compassion.
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