56 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
kept busy at various enterprises which have
included a karaoke endeavor, as well as real
estate sales and home construction projects.
He was equally determined to build a family.
After marrying his wife, Shanel, the couple’s
marital bliss would soon be complemented
by a composite of what currently stands as
five children. Prue’s first two sons are respec-
tively named Skyler and Rider. As his fam-
ily healthily grew, so too did recognition of
Prue’s efficiencies in real estate development
and marketing. When he decided, in 2005,
to consolidate all of his industry efforts
under the auspices of a singular corporate
identity, the proud husband and father had
no problem determining a name. SkyRider
Holding Ltd (which does business as Sky-
Rider Developments) has since emerged as
one of the most dynamic real estate develop-
ment operations in Canada.
SkyRider was the development force
behind projects which have included apart-
ment complexes of Edmonton’s Manning
Crossing, development of Morin Manor,
Amberwynd, and Tomahawk Park, as well as
the prestigious properties of Stone Ridge Es-
tates. Present projects include developments
in East Windermere, Whitemud Heights
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