February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 61
and Advanced Graduate Degree in Manage-
ment, he is currently pursuing a doctorate
in Business Administration and his disserta-
tion focuses on aboriginal housing. In time,
he anticipates completing a comprehensive
guide that will offer all developers insight
of the challenges and opportunities existing
within these communities. But pursuant to
that, he has already negotiated deals which
will finally result in much needed affordable
Prue recently made history by work-
ing with Habitat for Humanity in Edmon-
ton to build duplexes in what is known as
the Elizabeth Métis Settlement. The agree-
ment was a first of its kind in Canada, but
SkyRider is now looking to expand on the
service in other settlements. Prue says he has
long recognized that developing is vital to
the people and economy in any area where
he is engaged, but his work with aboriginal
communities offers very meaningful appre-
ciation of the direct and beneficial impact
that can be made on people’s lives. “Projects
like this hit close to home for me, and there
are more personal than professional benefits
to see a positive impact made on lives,” says
Prue. “My goal now is to figure out how to
Derek Prue - President, SkyRider Developments
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