48 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
den. Residents are encouraged to decorate
and personalize these spaces however it suits
their lifestyle, after all, these are homes.
For all the quality imparted in activities and
amenities, Wing affirms even more attention
to detail can be expected through the com-
munity’s comprehensive care services.
The Assisted Living services include
personal grooming, medication manage-
ment, transportation and a range of spe-
cialized services, all designed to ensure that
residents have options consistent with their
level of need.
A range of therapies are also available,
from fitness training by a certified instruc-
tor, massage therapy by an on-site therapist
certified in geriatric massage, and physical
therapy. Westminster at Lake Ridge has also
partnered with Flagship Rehabilitation, a
leading licensed provider of rehabilitative
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