BWM Oct 2013 - page 18

18 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
The province of Nova Scotia in Canada is in
the process of undertaking various projects
to improve its infrastructure in order to fa-
cilitate development. Halifax, the provincial
capital of the area is ensuring that the region
is not only developing infrastructure but is
also experiencing economic growth whilst
remaining sustainable. Over the recent years,
the government of Nova Scotia has been in-
volved in completing 29 buildings compris-
ing of schools, community collages, court-
houses and other governmental buildings.
Building sections of highways and preserva-
tion plans are also underway and gradually
moving the region towards further advance-
One of the biggest projects under construc-
tion isThe NewHalifax Convention Centre.
This modern, state-of-the art center was re-
Indian Sluice bridge construction
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