BWM Oct 2013 - page 11

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 11
It’s Twitter, not Tweeter
With news that the social media marvel
of Twitter has filed to go public, another
completely unrelated company saw its
share prices soar upwards of 1,800 per-
cent (before falling to amod-
est increase of 684 percent
by closing) thanks to mis-
guided investors. Tweeter,
the former national retailer
of home electronics, closed
many of its stores after filing
for bankruptcy in 2007. That
was about the same time
that Twitter was launching as a company.
While Tweeter has maintained a presence
in the market, its stock has been trading
at one cent for quite some time. Follow-
ing the Twitter announcement, however,
Tweeter’s shares jumped up to 15 cents.
The explanation may have something to
do with the similarity between stock tick-
ers. To prevent more twits, here’s a good
tweet (doesn’t even require 140 charac-
ters) – Tweeter is TWTRQ, but TWIT-
1...,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,...268
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