BWM Oct 2013 - page 15

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 15
ers (so far) with which it has connected
by using Kickstarter. SHADOW plans to
create a mobile application, an innovative
type of alarm clock of gradually increas-
ing sound frequency, which ultimately
helps remind users to remember and re-
cord their dreams by placing them in a
digital dream repository, and where bet-
ter than a cloud-based solution. Founder
Hunter Lee Soik explains, “Some of hu-
manity’s best scientific discoveries begin
in dreams, yet most of us forget 95% of
our dreams within minutes of waking up.
Thanks to our Kickstarter backers, we can
now build an app to capture all that lost
dream data.” Early Backers will receive
the application beginning around Decem-
ber, but there is still time to back the proj-
ect from as little as $2 on their Kickstarter
page. The campaign ends November 2 at
11:11am – as Khalil Gibran once said,
“Tomorrow is today’s dream.”
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