BWM Oct 2013 - page 17

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 17
provide leading-edge solutions to the Air
Force's current aeronautical challenges
and will assist them in gaining a greater
knowledge of device operation and deg-
radation,” says Wyle Program Manag-
er Roger Wood. The company will also
evaluate current qualification practices,
seek to improve characterization tech-
niques, perform reliability assessments,
and research new semiconductor materi-
als and devices.
This contract comes on the heels of
Wyle earning two other significant con-
tracts. In September, Wyle received a
$15 million contract to provide special-
ized system assurance and engineering
product analyses for the U.S. Air Force's
Life Cycle Management Center, a project
that will have Wyle providing engineer-
ing, airworthiness, system security and
assurance, risk management and safety
analyses in developing product logistics,
as well as sustainable acquisition strate-
gies, across the portfolio of aeronautical
weapon systems for the Air Force. MTSI
of Alexandria, Va., will assist in that proj-
ect. Wyle was additionally awarded an
$18.5 million contract to support opera-
tions involving the U.S. Army unmanned
aircraft systems and fixed wing programs
that include the Gray Eagle, Sky Warrior,
Hunter, Shadow, Hawker Beechcraft, as
well as all small unmanned aircraft sys-
tems. Such work adds to Wyle’s position
as one of the nation’s leading providers
of specialized engineering, scientific and
technical services.
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