BWM Oct 2013 - page 23

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 23
department has dedicated a large sumof their
money towards preservation and renovation
is because it facilitates economic develop-
ment. An example of this can be seen in the
pavement preservation of the Cabot Trail in
Nova Scotia, a popular tourist destination.
The trail is being upgraded to accommodate
the large number of tourists and cyclists who
visit the area and therefore supporting the
tourist economy.
Over the course of these projects, the depart-
ment had faced trials in the form of high bid-
ding prices due to the lack of competition.
Bruce says, "To tackle this particular issue
pavement preservation started to support
in-house production allowing for alternative
options when the bidding prices were too
high. The replacement of the bridges was al-
sochallenging as it directly affected the safety
of the people.” Nova Scotia also experiences
extreme cold weather therefore reducing the
construction season.
These difficulties however have not held
Nova Scotia back in trying to find alterna-
tives and supporting other infrastructure
projects which are innovative in nature.
Two such projects include the installation of
LED lights on provincial highways and in-
novative weighing stations for the trucking
industry which saves time and money. Bruce
concludes, "We wish to promote the econ-
omy of Nova Scotia and put in place mea-
sures which will save time and money and at
the same time have a sustainability focus. We
want build for a brighter future.”
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