BWM Oct 2013 - page 30

30 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
future development. HRM hopes to mitigate
the impact of climate change with the afore-
mentioned green initiatives, but has also mod-
eled the impact of sea level rise and used the
data to plan future development accordingly.
He freely shares this information with the
military, scientific community, and public, ac-
knowledging that this data has made its way
into land use bylaws, which ensure that private
contractors build on safe land.
It is of paramount importance that de-
velopment in Halifax simultaneously strives
forward, yet never disregards its rich histori-
cal framework. One of the key issues for the
Council is figuring out how to reinvest and
reinvigorate the downtown core while main-
taining its integrity as one of Canada’s oldest
cities. The team in Halifax feels that this is ac-
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