BWM Oct 2013 - page 40

40 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
of new technology that assists in identify-
ing and tracking a matrix relating to rating
infrastructure improvements. “The software
used tells us where we should be spending
our money from a street, water and sewer as-
set point of view, while also measuring our
infrastructure backlog.”
The city has been able to spend enough
to hold the infrastructure deficit year by year
as it does not quite spend enough to fully get
rid of the backlog, but it’s an increase over
where they were and a massive step in the
right direction for any community, no mat-
ter what size.
This point is further echoed from Gregg
Houser, Deputy Treasurer for the City of
Moncton, who advises their progress is com-
parative, if not exceeding, those in major
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