BWM Oct 2013 - page 44

44 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
ter Plan is ensuring that both the combined
and storm sewer systems are equipped with
inlet controlled devices which will only per-
mit the amount of water into their systems
that can be handled leaving the rest of the
water at the surface, thus greatly reducing
sewer back up. Another integral area is look-
ing at improvements to increase sewer capac-
ity by installing storm sewer relief systems or
creating detention basins; a system allowing
water to collect within a dry basin/pond and
slowly discharging it downstream so to alle-
viate flooding risks.
“The downtown core of the City is
mostly comprised of a combined sewer sys-
tem,” notes René Lagacé. “This means both
of the storm and sanitary flows are entering
one pipe system, therefore a lot of the rec-
ommendations from the Master Plan are to
install dedicated storm sewer systems, which
not only increases sewer capacity but also
provides for sewer separation as an added
side benefit, reducing the amount of water
processed at the sewage treatment plant.”
The city is also analyzing and embracing the
next steps for what stands out as one of Can-
ada’s fastest growing urban centers. “There
is a desire to construct a new arena facility,”
says Houser, adding that the proposed acqui-
sition of a site known as Highfield Square
would prove suitable for such development.
In September, the provincial and federal
governments, joined by the City of Moncton
and the Université de Moncton, announced
funding to upgrade the Moncton Stadium.
“Over the years, Moncton has gained the
reputation as a sports hub for New Bruns-
wick, attracting world class sporting events,”
says Economic Development Minister Paul
Robichaud. “We must capitalize on the ma-
jor events happening at the Moncton Stadi-
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