BWM Oct 2013 - page 22

22 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
Besides environmental initiatives, Nova Sco-
tia has also been dedicating its efforts towards
roadside innovation. Inclusive of the 5- Year
Highway Improvement plan for 2013-2014,
Nova Scotia has been working on opening
new highways across the province. The re-
gion also has a startling 400 bridges out of
which 200 bridges are estimated to be hun-
dred years old. Keeping the life of the bridg-
es in mind, Department of Transportation
and Infrastructure Renewal have taken mea-
sures to replace these bridges which can no
longer bear the weight of the current traffic.
Bruce Fitzner, Chief Highway Engineer fur-
ther adds, “Other projects are also underway,
such as the pavement preservation where we
treat the road before they reach the end of
their life. This preventative method helps
save money.” Another reason as to why the
Open Hearth Park
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