BWM Oct 2013 - page 12

12 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
On the
Mobiqity, a provider of enterprise-class
software products and innovative, inter-
active mobile-marketing applications,
customized has announce the opening of
new offices in the Netherlands’s City of
Amsterdam which marks the company’s
expansion into Europe. The move has
also prompted acquisition of Xaton, a
full-service Web and mobile development
company also located in Amsterdam. The
opening of its first European office is
reportedly driven by the company's sig-
nificant growth in America as well as in-
creasing global demand for its enterprise-
class mobile solutions. Since its founding
in 2011, Mobiquity has moved beyond its
headquarters inWellesley, Massachusetts,
to open more than nine regional locations,
which includes new offices in San Fran-
cisco, California, and Gainesville, Flori-
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