BWM Oct 2013 - page 13

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 13
da, earlier this year. This year, company
revenues have reportedly increased 600
percent over its first full year in 2012, and
its third quarter earnings are reported to
be its best quarter to date. Mobiquity was
recently recognized among the mobile
specialists in industry analyst Forrester's
August 2013 report titled; "Wanted: Mo-
bile Engagement Providers." Mobiqity
solutions have been sought by more than
150 major firms, including CVS, Fidel-
ity Investments, MetLife, the New York
Post, Putnam Investments, The Boston
Globe, The Weather Channel and Weight
Watchers International. By combining
with capabilities from Xaton, Mobiquity
principals anticipate they will be better
positioned to capitalize on opportunities
with European companies seeking strate-
gic mobile-engagement solution. As part
of its European focus, Mobiquity leader-
ship have planned speaking engagement
at upcoming industry events. President,
Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder
Scott Snyder will be a keynote speaker
at the Perfect Storm Europe 2013 confer-
ence in Amsterdam this month. Founder
and CEO Bill Seibel will be speaking at
the AIIM Executive Leadership Council
in London on November 21st. Seibel’s
speech is titled "Mobilizing the Enter-
prise: What's it Going to Take?” – no
doubt, Mobquity will be part of the an-
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