June 2013 - page 226

226 | Business World Magazine |
June 2013
FiltaFry is the only service of its kind in
the United States that specializes in mobile,
onsite maintenance of deep fryers in restau-
rants and commercial kitchens through a
comprehensive fryer management system
that includes micro-filtration of cooking oil,
thermostat calibration, vacuum-based clean-
ing of deep fryers and operations guidance.
FiltaFry has not only helped their custom-
ers to reduce costs associated with the rou-
tine purchasing of frying oil, but has also
helped customers increase safety for work-
ers, improve food quality and achieve great-
er environmental standards which would be
otherwise negated in the strategies normally
deployed by restaurant operators. To ex-
Michael & Nancy Cloutier, Franchisees in Ft. Myers, FL--John Lopez Jr. &
Claudio Turfilia, Franchisees in Atlanta, GA
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