April 2013 - page 151

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 151
of their competitors. “What is the next tech-
nological advancement we can implement in
our system?”Thompson asks. “We’re contin-
ually working on that every day to develop
new processes and standards.”
Despite these challenges, Jan-Pro is poised
for significant growth in many markets. For
example, the Brazilian market is just one lo-
cale that’s “taking off,”Thompson says. “With
nearly 200 million people in Brazil, we’ve
had tremendous growth in the 18 months
we’ve been there.” Thompson believes Brazil
could grow in the next five to 10 years to the
largest Jan-Pro market outside the U.S.
Jan-Pro is also seeing “explosive” growth
in Australia, having only been in the coun-
try for less than two years. This is a result of
the adaptability of our business model on a
global basis, Thompson explains.
“We’re just touching the tip of the ice-
berg with relative growth internationally,” he
adds. “We’re looking at taking our brand to
China and South Africa in the next three to
six months and expanding our presence in
the Middle East.”
Jan-Pro’s brand continues to evolve
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