April 2013 - page 159

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 159
tomers and have a solid marketing and sales
approach – Loeb describes them as “people
“That’s key in this business,” he says. “It takes
a sense of maturity to operate this type of
business because so much of what our fran-
chise owner’s do is consultative in nature.”
When ARCpoint screens prospective fran-
chisees, the first thing they must determine is
if they are the right fit for the business model
and system. “It’s a two-way investigation
for someone to become a franchisee. We’re
not for everyone and we don’t try to be for
everyone. When someone is interested in a
franchise opportunity, our role is to educate
them on the business,” Loeb says.
“Once a franchise is awarded, the com-
pany starts a new owner off with orientation.
Orientation is a giant to-do-list that the
franchisee must complete before they arrive
for classroom training,” Loeb says. “Most of
the items that are in orientation are one-time
items, and once they’re complete, they don’t
have to do it again. Our goal is to get those
items out of the way before they come to
classroom training so they can concentrate
on building the business.”
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