April 2013 - page 150

150 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
unscathed. Many consumers have had to
decrease their budget for commercial clean-
ing, which can make it difficult for Jan-Pro
to provide the same quality of service their
customers have come to expect. “We’ve had
to get creative and provide customized pro-
grams that fit shrinking budgets,” Thompson
One of their major initiatives this year is
to improve productivity at every level of the
organization, predominately focusing on ex-
ecution of services. The brand is looking at a
few different projects, as well as alternative
equipment options, to determine how they
can increase the efficiency of their unit fran-
chise owners.
“One of those will be incorporating the
team cleaning concept throughout our en-
tire system, targeting efficiency and time sav-
ings improvements of 10 to 20 per cent,” says
Another challenge is remaining a leader
in the cleaning industry, which means con-
tinuing to be innovative and staying ahead
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