April 2013 - page 143

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 143
tions while new franchisees will be able to
more readily benefit from this new offering.
In the same way that Dunn Bros relies
on special coffee roasting equipment, the
bakery also makes use of innovative mecha-
nisms. In this case, a Turbo Chef Oven that
uses the heat of circulated air to cook. The
mechanism doesn’t require the same space
as traditional ovens, and unlike the texture-
destroying properties of a microwave, it is
able to bake, and brown bread, and produce
a higher quality food than is found among
other coffee concepts currently out there.
Book lovers can also find new reading
flavors at Dunn Bros through Coffeeand-
Books.com where customers can now find
downloadable or unique hardcopy offerings
whenever they visit Dunn Bros. Through this
initiative, Plahn says the company wants to
both encourage reading and provide a plat-
form for bringing greater recognition to the
work of writers whose titles might not other-
wise be found in the customary market place.
She says the program supports Dunn Bros as
a community partner providing venues for
hosting book clubs and special book-signing
events with authors, and she anticipates that
trend to increase.
Plahn also hints that more “interesting”
things are to come, but without disclosing,
she says the company is both encouraged and
excited by their outlook on the future. She
says Dunn Bros “has always strived to distin-
guish itself.” Whether that is reflected in the
taste of their coffee, their elevated menu op-
tions, the environments in which they oper-
ate or their honorable operational standards,
Dunn Bros delights in being a destination
where coffee drinkers can experience a bold
new standard in both quality and experience.
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