April 2013 - page 137

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 137
The menu selections were a showcase of
single-origin coffee varieties, not blends, but
the distinct offering of particular growers
from particular geographies whose product
was then specially roasted to allow the nu-
ances of that flavor profile to be fully expe-
rienced. A caffeinated crescendo of demand
would further prompt opening of a second
location and business swelled with media
recognition of their coffee as “the best” in
In 1994, the Dunn Brothers determined
to franchise the concept and two partners
(Chris Eilers and Skip Fay) became the first
franchisees. Eilers and Fay opened five new
locations over a three year period and went
on to secure full franchising rights from the
brothers in 1998.
Today, with approximately 80 locations
roasting in roosts among nine states, Dunn
Bros has continued to annually garner ac-
claim as the best in its business. While that
expansion and all the media tributes to taste
represent certain achievement in industry,
there is so much more that equates to excel-
lence concerning this enterprise.
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